by Donna Amstutz, Ph.D. | Mar 22, 2021 | Relationships
Being in an intimate relationship is the hardest thing any of us will ever do. Why is that? Because the inevitable stresses of daily life and the conflicts that come about as two very different individuals negotiate what they want from the relationship require that we...
by Donna Amstutz, Ph.D. | Mar 18, 2021 | Reconciliation
Why do we need to forgive? No one escapes the pain of frustration, disappointment, betrayal, or conflict in loving relationships. It’s hard living together. At some point, we need to forgive in order to re-establish peace and continue living with one another. As a...
by Donna Amstutz, Ph.D. | Mar 11, 2021 | Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experience offers a framework to assess where a person is “stuck” in the fight, flight or freeze responses and provides clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states. The SE approach releases tramatic shock, which is key to...
by Donna Amstutz, Ph.D. | Mar 11, 2021 | Conflict Resolution
Disagreements and conflicts crop up in the best of marriages. It’s how conflict is handled that is an important key to marital satisfaction. The management of conflict is no less important when couples have decided to divorce. Finding ways to manage and keep...